Sudan has many advantages to attract foreign investment. Sudan is classified as number two of the most attractive countries for investment in Africa and as number three in the Arab region. Acknowledging the importance of investment to boost the economy and to realize direct development, the government established the Ministry of Investment in 2002. The investment Act for 1999, amended in 2002-2003, is one of the best laws of investment in the area..

The Sudan has great agricultural resources; between 300 to 400 million arable lands, 135 million head of cattle, fish, forests and vast natural resources. World Food Conference held in Rome in 1974, considered the Sudan as the World Food Basket; as it could be capable to feed quarter of the world and five times population of the Arab region if agricultural potentialities of Sudan had been properly utilized. The agricultural sector contributes effectively in the national economy and in the industries of weaving and spinnmg, sugar, edible oils, mills, canning, dairy and wood industry

Given its animal resources, Sudan is considered as the richest country in Africa .the total number of national flock amounted to 141,904 million heads in 2010. Sudan leather industry is characterized by a number of advantages, witch are not available for most of other industrial sector and they could be summarized into:-
1.Availability of raw material (all kinds of required leather, with suitable amounts and prices as well).
2.Availability of infrastructure whether that witch is related to manufacturing of leather raw material(tanneries) or leather in its all phases , whether it is ready for local industry or partially manufactured for export or leather products with high quality.

Sudan is one of the rich countries in natural resources, oil, minerals, and hydro-electric generation resources. But attention to utilization of natural resources came late when the first Energy and Mining Ministry was established in the country in 1976, which included the Department of Geology, Rural Water Supply Corporation, the Petroleum General Corporation, the Pipelines General Corporation, Petroleum Products, The Geological Researches General Corporation, The Electricity and Water General Corporation which was later divided into two by the establishment of the Ministry of Electricity.

A. INVESTMENT IN AGRICULTURE Total arable land is about 200 million feddan (one feddan =4200sqm) and only 30 million feddan is cultivated. Investment in agriculture fields is welcomed in the following:
1. Wheat production
2. Sorghum (Dura)
3. Oil seeds (sesame, groundnut, and sunflower). The Economy & Natural Resources

Natural Resources: The Sudan is considered one of the richest countries it the world in terms of natural resources. It is endowed with fertile agricultural lands, potable wealth, minerals and tourist sites. Sudan is also characterized by its vast virgin areas and varied climates a matter that makes the country capable of the production of different cereals and horticultural crops.
Agricultural Lands: The Sudan has areas that range between 300 to 400 million feddans of arable lands, only 40 million feddans of which are currently cultivated. Lands in Sudan include desert and semi-desert soils, clay plains, sand dunes, rocks soil and the black southern soils.

The Sudan is considered one of the richest countries it the world in terms of natural resources. It is endowed with fertile agricultural lands, potable wealth, minerals and tourist sites. Sudan is also characterized by its vast virgin areas and varied climates a matter that makes the country capable of the production of different cereals and horticultural crops

The Sudan has areas that range between 300 to 400 million feddans of arable lands, only 40 million feddans of which are currently cultivated. Lands in Sudan include desert and semi-desert soils, clay plains, sand dunes, rocks soil and the black southern soils.

mapWith an economy that continues to grow at a rate of nearly 10%, Sudan has proven itself to be the desired target for trade and investment. Numerous factors contribute to its appeal and conduciveness for such opportunities. With inflation virtually non-existent, the government is courting the private sector and urging all to participate in the development of the sixth fastest growing economy in the world.
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