Sudan the land of Opportunities

Presentation Synopsis
- Basic information.
- Investment Climate.
- Economic Indicators.
- Priority Investment Sectors.
- Economic Situation (Present and Future)
- Way forward
- Three Years Economic Stabilization Program.
- Policy Reforms.
Basic Facts
- Sudan is the 16th largest country in the world 1.8 Million sq km.
- Seven neighboring countries (Egypt, Ethiopia, Eretria, Libya, Chad, South Sudan and Central Africa)
- The total population is 48 million distributed in 17 states (49% in the Urban areas).
- Sudan is the continent gateway to the landlocked countries through the Red Sea.
Natural Resources
- Arable lands 60 million hectares (142 million feddans) only 20% currently cultivated
- Rich in water resources (the Nile and its tributaries and renewable ground water) with total water resources of 30.8 billion cubic meters
- Size of Livestock 104 million
- Rich mineral reserve (oil, gold, silver, chrome, iron, zinc and tin, and natural gas)

Sudan Capacity to Become Arab's Top Potato Producer
Khartoum – Gardens of the Friendship hall will host in current December the International Carnival of Potatoes. The festival will continue for five days with a wide participation including 250 Egyptian, Saudi and Europe companies in addition to two Dutch companies (HZPC & STET) specialized in fields of high quality seeds of potatoes that proved successful in Sudan. The festival aims to centralize potatoes in the Sudanese dining- table and to adopt these crop as an essential economic source to the Sudanese economy particular after increasing the cultivation- areas with suitable soil and climate, in addition to the local and imported improved seeds and the fertilizers and pesticides, declared the chairman of board Directors of Anam Company Sheikh Al-Sanhoury. Moreover, the areas of cultivation of potato became wider as the markets receive every day great quantities and different kinds of potatoes, explained Sanhoury and added that the traders and companies were directed recently to provide special vegetable refrigerators to keep the product, which means the product will be available to the customers in a cheep price all time.

Sudan's new gold refinery's daily capacity at 900 k-SUNA
Nov 29 (Reuters) – Sudan’s new gold refinery has built up a daily production capacity of 900 kilograms, two months after it was launched, state news agency SUNA said on Thursday. Sudan is boosting its production of gold and other minerals to tap new sources for foreign currency after losing three-quarters of its oil output when South Sudan became independent in July last year. Oil used to contribute more than 50 percent of state revenues. The government hopes a new refinery in the capital Khartoum will produce gold to international standards and help reduce the amount of ore smuggled overseas to places such as Dubai. Producers would receive more money for the higher quality gold, reducing the incentive to smuggle. The refinery has a gold production capacity of 900 kilograms per day or 270 tonnes annually, SUNA said. The refinery also produces silver for which the agency gave no figure. Sudan expects to produce 50 tonnes of gold worth $2.5 billion this year, after $1.5 billion last year, its mining minister told an Arab mining conference on Tuesday . He also said that Sudan wanted to start cooperating with neighbouring countries to offer them refine their gold in the Khartoum refinery due to its large capacities. Eritrea, where industry experts say traders also smuggle gold out of the country to major gold markets, wanted to work together with Sudan in the area of refining, SUNA said on Thursday, without giving details. Though Sudan has great mining potential, it is hard to verify overall production figures because unofficial gold seekers account for a large part of the gold industry. November 29 (Reuters)

Exporters Chamber Promises to Export 250
Tons of Sesame This Year
Khartoum – Chamber of Exporters at the Chambers of Commerce Union expects export of 250 thousand tons of sesame crop this year with a profitable return of at least $500 million.
Secretary General of the Exporters Chamber, Khalid Al-Magboul said, in a statement to Sudan Vision yesterday, that this year’s season is different from the other seasons. He added that the current year export will have a positive impact in light of the decline that has occurred on the local currency against the high price of the dollar. He expected that oilseeds export will be a quantum leap in the light of inflation.
He emphasized that this abundant of production will help in decreasing oilseeds prices for Sudanese citizens.Al-Magboul stressed that the decision makers have become fully aware of the importance of exports, especially oilseeds after the first world conference for the production and marketing of oilseeds. He said the main objective of the conference is to benefit from other countries experiences, which has become a competitor for Sudan due to stimulus policies to the productive sectors, as India and China experience in this field. He explained that the fall of this year will have high productivity for other crops, particularly corn.