Message from the Charge d’affires
On behalf of the entire staff of the Embassy, I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to you on the official website of the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan in Japan. I trust that you will find it to be of great assistance. I also appreciate any recommendations.
The Sudanese Embassy in Tokyo promotes our national interests and aims to provide Sudanese individuals residing in or visiting Japan with all the necessary support and assistance. Our overarching objectives are to promote bilateral relations between both countries through political, diplomatic, economic, and cultural aspects.
Japan’s position in the global arena has always been significant; for instance, it currently holds the presidency of the Group of Seven (G7), and enjoys a non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.
Sudan and Japan have maintained a robust diplomatic relationship since 1956. Since then, Japan has been collaborating with Sudan on numerous economic cooperation initiatives that focus on three main components: the advancement of agriculture, the provision of basic human necessities, and the consolidation of peace.
We sincerely hope that our friendship and future-oriented partnership will continue to be strengthened by mutual respect, trust, and understanding.
Ali Mohamed Ahmed Osman MOHAMED
Charge d’affaires